A Hefty Jackpot

A Hefty Jackpot

From March 7 to 21

A Hefty Jackpot

If you win the coverall game,* you could take home $50,000!

Play the main network bingo game for a shot at the hefty jackpot.

Don’t miss out

On the evening of March 21, network bingo will have no ball limit, so someone is sure to win the jackpot!

Dont' miss out
Wise play

Responsible Gambling


Setting spending
limits and sticking to
them is always wise.


Set your limits

*During the main network bingo game, the jackpot winner will win, on top of the regular $35,000 prize, an additional prize of $15,000. If there is more than one jackpot winner, the prize will be equally divided among the winners. Other conditions apply.


Game rules (in French only)