First visit
In the mood for some in-hall bingo?
Here’s some useful info for you.
Regular bingo
Play an exciting game that offers plenty of chances to win!
Many private and community organizations in Québec hold regular bingo games in halls. These sessions take place in the afternoon and/or evening, and hall hours vary.
Regular bingo schedules differ from one hall to the next and aren’t managed by Loto-Québec. Licences are issued by the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec.
Contact your municipality for a list of organizations offering in-hall bingo in your area.
Network bingo
Our halls are connected to bring you thrilling prizes!
Loto-Québec holds network bingo sessions twice a day: once in the afternoon and once in the evening. These sessions are part of the regular bingo schedule. To play network bingo, you have to be playing regular bingo.
Many prizes are up for grabs during the Tour de chauffe and main network bingo games. You could win a $35,000 jackpot!
Visit a participating bingo hall for a chance to win big at network bingo!
Good to know
Playing time
Each in-hall bingo session lasts three hours and includes regular and network bingo games.
What you need
You’ll need a dauber to mark your numbers on the bingo cards. Daubers are sold at the bingo halls.
Booking your visit
There’s no need to book in advance. Do show up 30 minutes before the session starts to make the most of the experience.
Step-by-step guide to a fun bingo outing
- Check the hall schedule.
- Show up at least 30 minutes before the regular bingo session starts.
- Ask for a game schedule and buy your bingo sheets at the hall’s sales counter.
- On your cards, use your dauber to mark the free squares and the numbers called out by the bingo caller.
- Then, all that’s left to do is shout “Bingo!”